Expand the usage of the cards into more locations and increase transaction volumes in a secure way
Book a demoExpand usage of cards
Expand the reach of your card program to merchants and vendors outside of your closed-loop network, increasing the usability and value of your card program to your clients, while controlling fraud and misuse risk through a modern and comprehensive suite of spend management controls.
Increase transaction volumes
New spends possibilities, expansion of target user groups besides driver and adjacent spend equals higher transaction volumes meaning more and new revenues from both existing and new clients.
Easy travel expense handling
Simplify your clients travel expense reporting procedure by getting rid of out-of-pocket and case-advance payment and save the administrative hassles of receipts and manual bank transfers.
Effortless accounting
Simplify your clients expense reporting procedures by getting rid of out-of-pocket and case-advance payment with simplifying VAT reimbursement - everything embedded into accounting processes.
Pre-approved issuance of virtual cards on demand facilitates a highly efficient mechanism to put cards in the hands of previously un-carded employees, and eliminates non-authorized payments and inefficient processes such as cash-advances and out-of-pocket expense reimbursement.
Book a demoCardlay spend platform
Cardlay’s highly configurable platform allows each partner to set up the platform to meet their needs, without costly and time consuming costumed development. The platform is completely hosted on the AWS fully PCI-DSS compliant cloud infrastructure and maintained according to highest standards.
Corporate customers need real-time data flows and notifications to enhance usability and streamline the card management and expense reconciliation process. Push notifications, real-time data flows between systems, and embedded control functions ensure the necessary security, transactional transparency, and optimal client experience.
With a network of issuers across multiple geographies and real-world experience launching white label solutions on different infrastructures, Cardlay is uniquely positioned to support your efforts to expand your card services offering into new markets geographically and further scale your portfolio.
Leverage state-of-the-art technology to reduce missed opportunities while delivering a flexible and innovative set of product capabilities to market faster.
SAP Concur
Stay relevant and secure stickiness
With a fast changing market environment, open loop payment offerings will over time power most B2B mobility spend and unlock new revenue potential by attracting new spend types for the mobility card issuer. Investering in open loop card offering and beginning the transition to better cope with changing regulatory demand and meeting customer needs securing your relevance in the market.
Arm yourself with new digital offerings
Keep up with digitization, an increasing need for better user experience and an embedded payment process across all spend types by choosing a partner to arm you with an end-to-end spend management system in which your corporate clients are able to manage everything themselves both from administration and cardholder point-of-view.
Seamless offering and flexible adaptation
Instant and device agnostic payments are rapidly growing and corporate clients expect a seamless and integrated payments experience across devices. The need for both virtual and physical payment methods for different use cases with smart data capture can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and unlock additional customer service opportunities.
Solution design and alignment
Workshop with our product and commercial experts Defining your spend management solution mix
Integration & implementation
Partner integration process, product configuration, implementation and customization.
Discovery process
Joint workshops in four streams to uncover the relevant details of your future digital offering 8 weeks process that illuminate all aspects of our future partnership
Market launch and scale
Pilot & PoC. Full market launch. Scale you corporate card portfolio with more card to existing customers and fast onboarding of new ones
Solution design and alignment
Workshop with our product and commercial experts Defining your spend management solution mix
Discovery process
Joint workshops in four streams to uncover the relevant details of your future digital offering 8 weeks process that illuminate all aspects of our future partnership
Integration & implementation
Partner integration process, product configuration, implementation and customization.
Market launch and scale
Pilot & PoC. Full market launch. Scale you corporate card portfolio with more card to existing customers and fast onboarding of new ones
Get full control and visibility into company spending, avoid time-consuming paperwork and make life easier for all your employees.
Control company spending upfront
No subscription or set-up fees
PCI-DSS compliant
Want to get full control and visibility into company spending, avoid time-consuming paperwork and make life easier for all your employees? Book a demo now
Control company spending upfront
No subscription or set-up fees
PCI-DSS compliant